

concept & performance Chantal Yzermans

music ‘Rite of Spring’ by Igor Stravinsky

original music Substuff

guest performers Nono Pessoa & Carlos Aires

image Laetitia Bica

commissioned by Festival Escena Contemporanea Madrid February 2013

During the performance, the performers are online with a direct messenging website, through which people are connected at random. This type of game brings a rhythm of gamble, as we never know who will be the "chosen partner", at the same time that it designs the rhythm of the whole piece.! A triangular relationship is thus created between the two performers, the audience and the anonymous partner/partners. Through this contemporary rite, Chantal Yzermans looks back on the primitive one of Stravinsky's "Rite of Spring", because she finds here a continuity with the pagan ritual, together with the original musical composition of the Madrilene minimal techno artist Substuff . The voice you hear during the performance is an instant and direct interaction call from an online sex internet website.
Its robotic crude vibrations emerge from the same brutal pulsions on which "Rite of Spring" are rooted. From today's sexual web communication back to the archaïc ritual of procreation, there is a continuum link, the link where time and space unfurl into the dance of the universe.’
Sylvia Zade Routier, Por la Danza, February 2013